Weekly - issue 10

Why IndexedDB is slow and what to use instead

IndexedDB is slow in multiple transactions, fast in a single transaction.

It is not easy to use a single transaction because of user operations and the browser’s multiple tabs.

Using IndexedDB as a filesystem, not as a database: All data is loaded into the memory on the initial page load, then persist the memory state into IndexedDB with a single write transaction.

LokiJS: javascript embeddable / in-memory database is an alternative.

Stanford machine learning cheatsheets

Here is the PDF versions. Available in العربية - English - Español - فارسی - Français - 한국어 - Português - Türkçe - Tiếng Việt - 简中 - 繁中

My First 5 Minutes On A Server; Or, Essential Security for Linux Servers

  • Change the root password to something long and complex;

  • Install Fail2ban;

  • Require SSH public key authentication;

  • Test the non-root user & enable sudo;

  • Configure SSH to prevent password & root logins and lock SSH to particular IPs;

  • Set up a firewall;

  • Enable automatic security updates;

  • Install Logwatch to keep an eye on things.